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Angus Knight

An award-winning solution to helping the Australian Aboriginal Youth Build Employment Skills

An engaging, award-winning eLearning program aimed at equipping the Aboriginal youngsters with the essential skills to become job ready.

The Client

A leading organization based in Australia offering employment, training and staffing solutions to government, corporate and community sectors. The organization operates in several states of Australia equipping numerous individuals and communities get job ready. The company is one of the largest public employment services providers in Australia.

The Requirement

One of the key focus areas for the client is helping Australian aboriginal youth work towards a better life for themselves. In line with this, the client has created many learning solutions focusing on various industries/domains where the youth can work. As the number of these solutions increased, the client realized the need to provide the target audience with an overview of the available offerings. This translated into the requirement for an eLearning solution that presented the learning avenues to the target audience in an engaging manner.

The Challenge

  •   Going through the existing catalogue of learning resources
  •   Understanding the client’s plan for working with the Aboriginal Youth
  •   Understanding the profile of the target audience (Aboriginal Youth)
  •   Creating characters and scenarios the target audience could relate to: This included writing dialogues with the slang used by the target audience
  •   Making the course content very easy to understand given the target audience’s profile

Most importantly, while the solution was about the eLearning solutions the client had, we still had to ensure it didn’t come across as a marketing/selling exercise.

The Solution

  •   Scenario-based Learning: As a part of solution, scenarios were developed with rich animation. These scenarios included a mascot, which also guided learners throughout the course on various skills. In addition, scenarios included characters that represented the target audience. Each scenario presented a situation demonstrating the need for a particular skill. Following the scenario, learners were educated on how a particular skill could help them improve their job prospects.
  •   Self-rating: Apart from learning about a skill, learners were also required to rate themselves on their level of competency for a particular skill. This helped the client identify the overall competency of the learners and plan the training program to make them employment ready.

The Impact

The result was a comprehensive eLearning solution that not only provided a structured and consistent approach for learners to get job ready but also identified the job opportunities that complemented their skills. The benefits were:

  •   As the characters, scenarios and dialogues were tailored to the target audience profile, the solution was accepted easily. The participation was much higher than anticipated.
  •   Client was able to use the collected data to connect with each learner later on with an individualized development plan.

The Silver award at Learnx 2015 in Bespoke category added another feather in SKILLDOM’s cap and firmly established the efficacy of this eLearning solution.

Key Features

Award-winning Solution

Custom Learning

Scenario-based Learning

Agile Development

Areas Covered

  •   Adult Learning
  •   Scenario-based Learning
  •   Interactive Scenarios
  •   Agile Development
  •   Award-winning solution