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HCL Expectations Exchange and Feedback Exchange Process

An eLearning Program with Info-graphical Animations for HCL Group

An eLearning course to underscore the importance of effective expectation exchange and feedback exchange process.

The Client

The HCL group is one of the leading IT and technology companies in India with annual revenue of over US$ 6.5 billion. The organization, which is one of the first IT start-ups in India, provides IT, Technology, Healthcare and Talent Care services to the clients. The group operates in 31 countries with more than 105,000 employees.

The Requirement

SKILLDOM had developed a custom eLearning solution for HCL to equip key stakeholders in managing performance conversations effectively and to spread the awareness of the review and feedback exchange process. Thanks to the success of this eLearning solution, HCL partnered with SKILLDOM to develop an advanced eLearning module for the appraisers and reviewers. The aim of this module was to help the target audience:

  •   Understand the relevance of goal setting and how goal setting and continuous feedback provides a career path to employees
  •   Recognize the need of performance calibration and feedback exchange process in addition to effective ways of sharing feedback

More importantly, HCL wanted the eLearning solution to be crisper and much more captivating.

The Challenge

The challenge was to not only analyze the detailed expectations exchange and feedback exchange process the company had but also connect the two solutions. This solution was to add on to the learning provided in the earlier course and continue the eLearning initiative.

The Solution

Based on the inputs shared by HCL, SKILLDOM design team came up with a solution that would provide learners a comprehensive overview of the process using crisp, self-playing videos. The key features of the solution were:

  •   Auto-playing Videos: The process had two parts—goal setting and feedback exchange. The first part educated learners about the relevance of goal setting and as to how it can benefit the employees, the managers and the organization. The second part educated the target audience on providing feedback in an effective manner. Each part of the process was elaborated using an auto-playing video that had info-graphical animations. In addition, instead of the learner interacting with the templates, a mouse cursor was seen doing it. This approach ensured quick delivery of the content in an effective manner.
  •   Info-graphical Animations: The nature of content being technical and drab, it was important to present it in a way that would appeal the target audience. SKILLDOM devised info-graphical animations that were rich in graphics. These animations elaborated each part of the process with the help of various graphical features and audio.

The Impact

Since the launch of the solution, the feedback has been very positive. The success of this solution was marked by:

  •   Great end-user feedback that underscored the positive learning experience
  •   Bite-sized nuggets of information that effectively introduced process to the learners
  •   Increased awareness about the process among appraisers and reviewers leading to improved feedback exchange

Key Features

Custom Learning

Custom Videos

Infographics Approach

Areas Covered

  •   Adult Learning
  •   Custom eLearning Solution
  •   Corporate Training